CYCS Rules
Columbus Youth Soccer Club Rules
Columbus Youth Soccer Club (CYSC): Rules and Regulations:
CYSC operates within the broader guidelines and practices of the Georgia State Soccer Association, The Georgia Youth Soccer Association and United States Youth Soccer Association. Coaches, players and parents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the GYSA rules and well as FIFA Laws of the Game. Georgia Youth Soccer Association rules provide the overarching guidance an if questions arise that are not covered in the CYSC’s Rules and Regulations; we defer to the GYSA standards/rules.
Columbus Youth Soccer Club Rules
General Table of Contents
- 1000 Administration
- 1600 Age Classifications
- 1700 Registration Related
- 1800 Team Formation
- 2000 Programs
- 2100 Season
- 2200 Coaching
- 3000 Referees
- 4000 Regulations
- 5000 Laws of the Game
- 6000 Sportsmanship
- 7400 D&P Misconduct
- 8000 Practices
- 9000 End of Season Tournament
Columbus Youth Soccer Club Rules
1000: Administration:
1010: The Columbus Youth Soccer Club’s administration consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and various committees. In addition, a General Manager, Facilities Manager and Office Manager oversee the day-to-day activities of the club.
1020: CYSC, in conjunction with the Columbus Parks and Recreation Department, assign fields for practice based on their availability. The assigned team may use no field assigned in this manner at a different time or day unless approved by the CYSC General Manager or the CYSC Office Manager, acting for the CYSC General Manager. If a team practices outside the authority of CYSC, the coach must obtain written permission from an agent of the property on which the practice is held.
1030: Team rules are encouraged, but must follow CYSC and GYSA guidelines. A copy of the parent Handbook and the CYSC club rules are good examples of what these guidelines are. It is strongly recommended that each team have a set of team standards/rules. It is further recommended that each team, have on file with the CYSC Office Manager, a copy of said team’s standards/rules.
1050: Administrative Procedures:
1051: Any questions on rules, policies, and procedures of recreation divisions should be addressed to the General Manager.
1600: Age Classifications (must conform within GYSA age classifications):
1601: CYSC will register teams with age group appropriate Georgia Soccer Playing Divisions as registration numbers allow.
1602: CYSC league play may consist of teams from multiple Georgia Soccer Playing Divisions
1603: CYSC league play may be combined or eliminated.
1613: CYSC must register all its players between the ages of 3 and 19 with GYSA. Player classification for the soccer year shall be determined by the player’s age as of January 1. More specifically, a player who becomes nineteen (19) on or after January 1 immediately preceding the start of any seasonal year is eligible to play in the upcoming year’s U-19 age group. On the other hand, any player who becomes Three (3) years of age on or after January 1 immediately preceding the start of any seasonal year is too young to become registered with GYSA and thus is NOT eligible to play in the upcoming year on a U-4 age group CYSC team.
1625: A player may play on an older age team, but may not play on a younger age team. A player may play one calendar year up without permission by the CYSC board.
1626: Proof of age must be presented if deemed necessary. Proof of age shall consist of a birth certificate or birth registration issued by an appropriate governmental agency, Board of Health records, passport, alien registration card issued by the United States Government, certificate issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age, or a certification of an American citizen born abroad, issued by the appropriate government agency. Hospital baptismal or religious certificates will not be accepted.
1627: Only teams properly registered with a league or association affiliated with GYSA may be entered in the recreational divisions.
1628: Players may be registered with only one team at any given time, except where specifically allowed by GYSA or CYSC rules and regulations.
1629: Any team with a player on its roster who is over age, who is a member of another team’s roster (except where these regulations specifically allow for dual registration), or who utilizes a player not on the official state roster is in violation of GYSA Rules and Regulations and shall forfeit each game in which that player takes part. The coach may be suspended from all GYSA participation for up to 1 year.
The Registration committee will do its best to ensure the following guidelines are followed:
1630: 3 vs 3 team shall have no less than 4 nor more than 12 registered players at any given time.
1631: 5 vs 5 team shall have no less than 4 nor more than 10 registered players at any given time
1632: 7 vs 7 team shall have no less than 6 nor more than 12 registered players at any given time.
1633: 9 vs 9 team shall have no less than 11 nor more than 14 registered players at any given time.
1634: 11 vs 11 team shall have no less than 11 nor more than 18 registered players at any given time.
Important: An exception to this will be in the U16-U18 division, where up to 18 registered players are allowed and the U19 classification, where up 22 registered players are allowed.
1635: All attempts will be made to keep roster sizes within manageable limits.
1700: Player Registration:
1710: GYSA will publish the official registration timelines for CYSC to follow. CYSC will then post on its website, advertise and announce as necessary the seasonal registration dates, times and deadlines. CYSC may advertise registration dates using various media as approved by the CYSC recreation board. Players who miss regular registration may still register during late registration.
1711: Player registration may be accomplished either by using the online CYSC registration system or in person at the CYSC office during announced hours. Player registration may also take place at off sites, as designated and approved by the CYSC board.
1712: Late registration is considered any registration of players after the official closing time of regular registration.
1730: Methods of payment will be cash, check, debit card or credit card. Every attempt has been made to capture player birth certificate information. For new players, proof of age, as detailed earlier, will be required. If you use the online registration system, you will receive a “confirmation” statement. This statement only guarantees that you have registered your player in the system. Official player registration and team assignments will be made upon receipt of the registration fee. Those players who have registered, but whose payment has not been received at the time of the close of regular registration, will be placed on the waiting list.
1731: The CYSC board prior to the beginning of each playing season will set registration fees. These fees will be used to defray expenses incurred from equipment purchases, supplies, and awards, paying referees, paying state fees and for other necessary expenses approved by the CYSC Board.
1732: CYSC may impose a late registration fee for players registering after the close of regular registration.
1733: Both regular and late registration fees will be posted and made available on the registration website.
1744: Out of state registration fees will be charged as necessary based on GSSA and GYSA guidelines. These out of state registration fees will be clearly marked and posted.
1745: Out of state players (Alabama) must sign additional paper work and pay additional registration fees if required by the GYSA. See the office manager for the forms. The out of state registration fees will be published on the registration website.
1750: Registration discounts may be given at the discretion of the CYSC for multiple registrations within the same household (more than one family member is registered.) The discount will be published on the registration website.
1751: The number of “paid in full” registrations received by the close of the posted registration date, determines the number of teams in each playing division. Late registrations may be taken at the direction of the CYSC board only to fill teams.
1752: CYSC may refund a portion of the registration fee if requested by the close of registration. After the close of registration, no refund requests will be granted. Refund requests, after the close of registration for highly unusual circumstances may be submitted in writing to the Registrar; although there is no guarantee for said refund request. All refunds will be given out at the end of the regular season.
The uniform package cost is determined by the CYSC Board and will be clearly indicated on the registration website. Questions regarding uniforms can be directed to the Office Manager during regular business hours, or at specially designated times (in person registration/coach’s meetings). Players MUST be in complete Current CYSC uniform. NO uniform may be visibly altered to include but not limited to sponsorship without prior board approval. All teams going to tournaments representing CYSC (using CYSC player cards) must wear CYSC approved uniforms. Team placement is the function of the Registrar.
1755: Only the players of the team’s coach and assistant coach will be assigned to the team. Returning players will have first priority with regards to team formation. A player will designate “returning to the previous team” or “no” at the time of registration. Returning players, who requested “yes” to return to previous team, will be placed on their teams first.
1760: A player can indicate they want to be placed on a specific team, but there are no guarantees that this will happen. The CYSC Registration Committee and the General Manager will review each special case. Additionally, buddy registration will be allowed. Returning players who wish to “buddy” with a non-returning player will be placed in the player draft.
1765: Only the coach’s and assistant coach’s child/children will be assigned to their specific team. If an assistant coach and associated player is added to a team that a previous season’s assistant coach’s associated player is still roster the previous season’s assistant coach’s associated player may be removed from the team.
1775: U14 and above intramural teams may be formed with approval of the CYSC Board of Directors on a seasonal basis. Intramural teams must be comprised of players from within their organization. The coaching staff is to be provided by the team not CYSC.
1776: If the intramural team cannot fill their roster in size (as determined by CYSC guidelines), additional players will be placed on the intramural team through use of random draft.
1780: Girls teams will be formed and all efforts will be made to ensure player registration to girl’s teams. Girls may request to play “coed”.
Important: any girl requesting to play “coed” will be allowed this request, unless there are not enough registrations to make a team, as indicated previously for that age group.
1790: The CYSC league registrar must validate player registrations, transfers and releases before being submitted to the GSSA Office
1791: If two or more registrations are submitted for any one player by the acceptance date, then the player must decide which team he/she will be playing on, and resubmit a final registration form indicating his/her team preference.
1792: GYSA Office will not accept by the CYSC Office or a player registration form if a parent or guardian of the player has not signed and dated the registration form.
1793: Once a player has signed a player registration form with CYSC the player is bound to that league for the specified playing season (fall or spring), unless a transfer request is approved.
1794: Once a CYSC recreational player is roster to a team, a transfer request is required to move to another team during that playing season.
1795: After completion of the CYSC fall playing season for which a player signed a registration form, the player may register for the spring season with another league. A transfer form is not required when changing leagues or teams between the fall and spring playing season.
1796: A CYSC Registered player may only play on the team(s) for which he or she is/are registered for that specific season. Approval to play on another team must be provided in writing by the General Manager.
1800: Team Formation:
1801: Participation
1802: The CYSC Registrar must meet the published GYSA “Team Declaration” deadlines. Failure to meet the deadline may result in no acceptance of that team. In this case, the CYSC Registrar, working with published GYSA guidelines will coordinate all registration activity. This includes, but is not limited to, advertising, seasonal registration, maintaining the registration data base, updating the CYSC website, working with the age group coordinator committee chair, the age group coordinators, the CYSC General Manager and the CYSC office Manager. Teams cannot be formed and players cannot be assigned to returning teams, nor can the player draft take place, until the coach and /or assistant coach has registered and the team formed by the General Manager and/or Registrar.
1803: Inter league: GYSA has established inter league play for those clubs that only have a few teams in a particular age division. This allows the team to have a playing season and play with similar teams from within a playing district.
1804: All inter league scheduling functions shall be performed under the auspices and subject to the approval of the GYSA.
1805: No team shall be allowed to transfer from one division to another division during the seasonal year. Example: U10 moving to U12. Transfer may take place between season.
Important: Once player registration cards have been issued, the team is required to play in that age group for all seasonal games and tournaments.
1808: Players returning for consecutive seasons will remain with their same team unless the parent requests a transfer or indicates such on the player registration form.
1809: New players, including those players returning after missing the previous season, and transfers shall be placed on teams by the Registrar.
1810: Teams may not disband during a fall or spring playing season. If a team disbands during a fall or spring playing season, the team may be sanctioned, as the recreation playing program committee deems appropriate. There may be circumstances beyond their control that may force this to happen. A team wishing to disband, once the regular season has started, must be reviewed and approved by the CYSC board.
1811: Core teams already in existence in the Recreational playing division take precedence over a new team being formed and over a team moving up. If there are not enough players in the age group to support the existing teams as well as the new team and/or the team moving up, the younger team will be dissolved and the players placed in the draft to fill the existing teams.
Important: all players must be registered on a recreational team prior to any selection to an All Star team. An All Star team does not replace a recreational team. A recreational All Star team may participate in tournaments, but is subject to the rules/regulations of that tournament as it relates to team placement/bracketing.
1815: Each team is encouraged to have one head coach, an assistant and a team manager.
1820: Up to 3 properly registered team representatives are allowed on the player’s sideline during play.
Important: At least one adult must be present during the game on the player’s sideline, if 3 registered team representatives are not available.
1821: Uniforms: As previously indicated, the club has a standard uniform color combination. For 16 and above, based on inter league play, these teams may be allowed to have a different uniform. No uniform may be visibly altered to include but not limited to sponsorship without prior board approval.
1822: If a player requests a release from a team, a completed player release request must be completed and submitted first to CYSC who will forward on to GYSA. The parents must sign the release request, as well as the coach and league official. The GYSA registrar will approve a release seven days from the date the release form was submitted by the parents to the releasing league if the form is not completed by the releasing league and forwarded to GYSA.
1823: A team coach may request that a player be released in voluntarily from a team only if a player is unable to play for one of the following reasons:
1. Player had violated US Youth Soccer rules or state disciplinary rules.
2. Player has moved beyond a reasonable travel distance.
3. Player is injured in such a manner that he/she will be unable to participate for the remainder of
the seasonal year.
1825: To request the release, the coach must complete the player release request and submit it to GSSA.
See CYSC Registrar for forms.
1836: Violation of this provision may result in disciplinary action against the affiliated league. Furthermore, no select coach, parent, player or person acting on behalf on the select team may approach any recreational player during the seasonal year, once player registration has been completed and the player assigned to a recreational team.
1837: Once a player has signed a GYSA registration form or registered online, and that registration information has been submitted to GYSA by the CYSC Registrar, no person may directly or indirectly induce or attempt to induce that player to leave the team for which he/she has registered during the playing season.
1839: If a member ascertains that another member of the association has violated the recruiting rules, that member is entitled to seek redress by filing a grievance with the GYSA Ethics and Grievance Committee.
1860: Team Assignments
1862: Team assignments into playing divisions and age groups by the respective committees shall be final and are not subject to appeal.
2000: CYSC Programs:
2001: The CYSC Programs are the responsibility of the CYSC board of Directors. The CYSC Board may appoint representatives and committees with the approval of the CYSC president to administer their programs as well as other assigned duties.
2002: The Recreational Program is a developmental soccer program for all youth players. The league accepts as participants any eligible youths, without regard to skill level (subject to reasonable terms of registrations).
2003: The use of tryouts, invitations, and recruiting or similar process to roster players to any recreational team on the basis of talent or ability is prohibited. Recreational players may not be “cut” from the team.
2004: A system for rostering (see section on registration) players to teams must be used to establish a fair and balanced distribution of playing talent among all teams participating in the same age group within the league.
2005: To further enhance the Recreational Program, CYSC supports USYSA’s and GYSA’s teaching philosophy with respect to small-sided soccer. This philosophy allows the game to be the teacher by maximizing each player’s touches on the ball and encourages all the players to develop their skills in all positions. Further, the philosophy discourages intense competition until the older age groups.
2006: There shall be a Recreational Program Committee assigned by the CYSC President and /or CYSC executive committee for the purposes of coordinating all activity of the recreational playing divisions.
2007: Recreational Program Committees are responsible to the CYSC President and are subject to CYSC review.
2008: Girls teams may not participate in coed programs. However, girls may participate on coed teams.
Important: all efforts will be made during registration and team formation to allow girls, who have indicated as such, to play on a girls’ team. However, if there are not enough player registrations to allow for team formation, the CYSC registrar working with the Age Group Coordinator will allow the girls to play on a coed team. These players will be contacted by the Age Coordinator and /or the CYSC registrar to inform them for the purposes of making that decision.
2009: The inter league program is for both coed and girl’s teams. Girls’ teams may not participate in coed programs. However, girls may participate on coed teams. Inter league teams travel and games are played on weekends using a home and away format.
2100: Season:
2110: The CYSC Seasonal Year runs from September 1 through August 31 of the following calendar year following the GYSA published guidelines. The seasonal year shall be comprised of two seasons of play: Fall and Spring. Fall season will begin on or around the first weekend of September and will end in November. There will be a single elimination tournament at the end of fall seasonal play (see tournaments). This is at the discretion of the CYSC Board. The Spring season will begin on or around the first weekend of March and will end in May. There will be a single elimination tournament at the end of spring seasonal play (see tournaments). This is at the discretion of the CYSC Board.
2130: Every effort will be made to allow for all games to be played, including but not limited to the extension of seasonal play for that purpose.
2140: The season will be established following the guidelines of the Georgia Youth Soccer Association.
2200: Coach Selection:
2201: Each recreational playing division is responsible for the selection of coaches for its teams. All recreation program coaches are encouraged to meet the minimum coaching license requirements as recommended by GYSA Guidelines.
3000: Referees:
3005: Every team has the right to a neutral referee and assistant referees (based on age group). No referee or assistant referee shall referee a game in which a relative is coaching or playing unless both coaches provide their specific prior consent by signing both game cards. (U6 and U8 are exempt from this rule)
3010: No referee or assistant referee shall referee a game where they were a recent (within 1 year) member or coach of either team unless both coaches provide their specific prior consent by signing both game cards. (U6 and U8 are exempt from this rule)
3015: Each league shall provide three currently certified USSF referees for each home match. U6-U10 are exempt from this rule. For U12 and U14, club linesmen may be used to ensure that the match is started on time.
3020: The referee (center official) will be a minimum of 1 year of age above the maximum eligible playing age of the age group to be officiated.
3025: The CYSC is responsible for providing referees, playing fields and times.
3026: In the event the appointed referee fails to appear within 15 minutes of the scheduled kick-off time, and where assistant referees are present, one of the assistant referees shall take charge if he/she feels capable of refereeing the game and both coaches mutually agree.
3027: In the event that neither assistant referee agrees to take charge the game will be postponed.
3028: In the event a center referee becomes ill during the game for those games where there are assistant referees, the AR1 will assume center responsibility. For U12-U14 games, if this occurs, because there must be 3 referees, a club linesman may be used, if a 3 rd certified AR cannot be located in a timely manner, as to allow the game to continue.
3040: The referee (s) is in complete charge of the field and adjacent areas from the time the referee arrives at the game site until the referee departs. The referee is empowered to: Rule on what equipment or accessories are considered dangerous hard casts are not allowed at any time. Issue cautions; sendoffs, and dismissals for the entire period. Terminate a game for coach, player or spectator misconduct. Refuse to allow the game to be played if in the referee’s judgment, the field is unplayable due to length of grass, inadequate lines or other impediments. Refuse to allow the game to be played if there is not a credentialed coach on the sideline with present or if necessary, a responsible adult identified on the game card as associated with the team.
3050: There are no referees for U6. Every attempt will be made to have a referee for U8’s. In the event that no referee is available for a U8 match, then the coaches will ensure that the match is played, substitutions are allowed and a half time break is given.
3051: For inter league scheduled games, three certified referees must be provided.
3052: U10 – U14: Each division shall provide at least one certified referee for each game scheduled. Two assistant Referees are requested, but in the event of referee scheduling problems, club linesmen may be used.
3053: U12 through U16: Divisions are encouraged to provide assistant referees for all games.
3054: U16: For inter league games, three certified referees must be used.
3055: U19: Each division shall provide three currently certified USSF referees for each home game.
3060: No individual, spectator or participant shall be allowed behind the goal line during the course of the game. The referee may halt the game, if necessary, to enforce this rule. Additionally, coaches, individuals, spectators and participants are requested to remain within the technical areas.
4000: Playing Rules/Regulations/Division Standings:
4001: Practices: After the season of play starts, teams must adhere to Georgia Soccer guidelines practice rules. The week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. Games, scrimmages and clinics are included in this requirement. For tournaments, this rule is modified.
Important: CYSC working with the Columbus Parks and Recreation Department may limit the use of the Woodruff Farm Soccer Complex for practice purposes.
4005: For inter league games the Home Team Coach is responsible for contacting the opposing coach the week of and at least 72 hours prior to the game to verify location, time and uniform color. This applies to all regularly scheduled and makeup games. The Home Team Coach will be responsible for contacting the opposing coach as early as possible if their game should be canceled due to unplayable field conditions.
4007: The home team is to provide the game ball and corner flags.
4008: For divisions U08 and above, the coach of the home team will be responsible for placing corner flags on the field prior to game start.
4010: All spectators, coaches, and sidelined players must stay clear of the touchline between the corner and the 18-yard extension of the penalty box. When possible, all spectators should be at least 1 yard and at most 5 yards behind the touchlines. Nobody is allowed behind the goal lines. The referee may stop a match to enforce this rule.
4011: The referee or assistant referee may, at any time, restrict the sideline movement of coaches, players and spectators. Only the center referee in cooperation with the referee assignor, and/or the CYSC president may judge fields under their responsibility unplayable.
4012: It shall be their responsibility to notify the opposing coaches, referees and other parties as soon as possible after a field closure.
4013: Weather/Game Reschedules:
All efforts will be made to play the regularly scheduled game as originally planned. The CYSC Office Manager, working with the Columbus Parks and Recreation Department will provide a timely announcement of field status. This will be posted on the CYSC Office’s phone answering machine for each day that the complex is open. Please recognize that field closure due to weather conditions may take place up to and after the start of a game. Additionally, not all fields may be affected by weather conditions.
4020: Division Standings:
4021: There are no official standings for age groups U4 through U8.
4022: Official standings will be maintained for all teams above u8 teams not in inter league play. Standings will be used to determine seeding for the Fall and Spring single elimination tournaments. Inter league play is “friendly”, and no standings are kept.
4033: Standings will be based on a point system. 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, and o point for a loss. Games decided by forfeiture will be recorded as 4-0 score. Penalties can also be assessed to a team for sportsmanship issues (parent/player/coach) and not meeting team obligations to the league.
4036: Tie breakers
At the end of the regular season games, the group winner shall be the team with the most points in their division. IN the event of a tie within a division, the following criteria shall be sued to determine the winner.
- A. Head-to-head competition. In the event of a tie among more than 2 teams, this criterion will not be used.
- B. Most wins.
- C. Greater goal difference, with a maximum of +4 and a minimum of -4 for any one game.
- D. Least number of goals allowed. There is no limit on the number of goals that will be counted to determine the tiebreaker.
- E. Goals scored, maximum of 4 goals per game
- F. Kicks from the mark.
If more than two teams are tied, the sequence will be followed beginning at B, until a team is eliminated. If 2 teams remain, the tie shall be broken by repeating the above elimination procedures beginning with step B.
If three teams are still tied after computing the listed tiebreakers and FIFA kicks have to be taken, there will be a draw by the tournament committee. The first team drawn will receive the bye, the next team drawn will be the home team against the remaining team in the first contest of FIFA kicks. The winner of the first contest will then compete against the bye team in FIFA kicks to determine the winner. The bye team will be the home team.
4050: For younger age divisions U4 - U8:
4055: The recreational committee may, at its discretion, award medallions to the younger age groups.
5000: Rules of USYSA Affecting Game Play and Youth Modifications To Laws of the Game:
The Rules of Play used will be the “FIFA Laws of the Game”, as modified by the USYSA Official Administrative Rulebook and those modifications contained herein. Specific modifications are made for the following:
- LAW #1: The Field of Play, including outer dimensions, inside dimensions, penalty area, and goal area.
Goal Dimensions: Adjusted to age group, for inside and outside width and height.
CYSC will provide player benches for each team U8 and up. An official area for in-going substitutions will separate each team bench.
Coaches are recommended to remain in their tactical area, which shall extend 5 yards on each side of the halfway line for a distance of no more than 20 yards. Coaches and team members should stay in this team area.
Spectators should remain between two and five yards from the touchlines. This is for their protection and to allow movement by the Assistant Referees and the players. The referee may halt the game to enforce this rule.
- LAW #2: The Ball:
- U6 through U8 shall use a #3 ball.
- U10 through U12 shall use a #4 ball.
- All others shall use a #5 ball.
- LAW #3: Number of players: The following shall be the number players for each age division to take part in a match, the minimum required to begin a match, and the minimum required to continue a match once started:
- U5-U6 Maximum number on the field is 3
- U7-U8 Maximum number on the field is 5
- U9-U10 Maximum number on the field is 7 (includes required keeper)
- U11-U12 Maximum number on the field is 9 (includes required keeper)
- U13 and above Maximum number on the field is 11 (includes required keeper)
To Start Match
- U6 – 3
- U8 – 4
- U10 – 5
- U12 – 6
Important: A keeper must be present for the game to be played for those age groups requiring one. Prior to the start of a match, a complete game card shall be prepared by each team coach and presented to the referee, except in U6 and U8 program. The referee shall not allow a match to take place unless a game card is presented. The game cared used for each game is furnished by each league and should include the name and number of each registered player on each team, whether present or not. If the game card is not available, the team roster shall be written on a piece of paper. In eligible players shall be marked with an ”X”. A player not listed on the roster at the start of the game shall be ineligible to play in that game.
Examples of “limited playing time” are: injury, health, discipline.
Players who will play “limited playing time” must also be clearly marked on the game card. If a player has limited playing time for disciplinary reasons, the coach must have a signed player/parent acknowledgment showing that the team rules are understood. This is done prior to season start. Players listed on the roster card, that report late to the game, cannot play until either the assistant referee or the referee properly checks them in.
Substitutions – All Programs
For Intra League Games:
Each player must play a minimum of half of each half of a match, if he/she meets practice participation requirements set by their club/association. Half of each half is the mandated playing minimum per player for all rec divisions.
Important: for injuries, the referee is the first person to assess the injury. If the coach is asked to come onto the field to attend to the injured player, that player must be removed from the game. Both teams are allowed to make one substitution. The injured player, upon careful checking out by the coach, may return to the game at the next stoppage of play where a substitution can be made.
In playoff matches, subs may be made at the beginning of any overtime period at the discretion of the coach. Compulsory substitution need not be followed.
If this comes to the referee’s attention during a match that a team is not substituting according to the recommended guidelines, he shall make a record of it on the game report, notify each coach, and then see that the match continues and is completed.
Important: The referee cannot mandate adherence to this rule. The referee can only make note of this. There may be circumstances where a referee is approached after the conclusion of the match and made aware that a team did not follow the substitution guidelines. Since the match is concluded, the referee can only note this on the tame card.
U10 Goalkeeper Participation: in recreational play, the goalkeeper must be given at least as much time in each game as a field player as he/she plays as goalkeeper. If the keeper plays in goal an entire half, then that player must play the entire other half on the field of play.
U6 through U8: There are no keepers for these age groups.
Important: Because CYSC provides both “blue” and “white” jerseys, there should not be a conflict. However, it is still the responsibility of the teams to know who is “home” and who is “away”.
Any shorts protruding from the bottom of the outer shorts must be the same basic color as the outer shorts. The goalkeeper is the only player allowed an exception to this rule.
Playing in “skins” shall not be allowed.
U10 and younger age groups shall wear only molded cleats or tennis shoes. Screw in cleats are not allowed.
Jewelry (earrings, watches, bracelets, hair beads, rings, etc) are not allowed at any time. Players shall not play with a hard cast without approval from the referee. If a religious symbol must be worn, then the player will tape the article down and show the referee.
All players must wear shin guards covered with socks. Shin guards must be a commercially manufactured product specifically designed for the purpose. Homemade products such as newspapers or bandages will not be allowed.
Players may not participate with improper equipment.
Any screw-in cleat that is broken or damaged in any way so as to expose any internal structure or present surface deformations with sharp edges or projections that might endanger any player coming in contact with it is prohibited and much be removed and /or replaced before that player is allowed to play.
Inter-league Recreational referee requirements:
The home league will be responsible for 3 referees for each inter league match.
In any event, the game must be played.
In any games whose outcome is protested by one of the coaches of the participating teams, the referee will see that the entire game is played and then submit a report to the league. A game cannot be protested due to a referee lack of judgement.
Length of Games, Overtime Periods, and Ball Specifications (USSF 2107)
The length of games, ball size, ball weight shall be as follows:
During regular season play, there are no over times. Matches may end in a tie.
Group Age Game Length Ball Size
U19 two 45-min #5
U16 two 40-min #5
U14 two 35-min #5
U12 two 30-min #4
U10 two 25-min #4
U8 4, 12 min quarters #3
U6 4, 8 min quarters #3
All Matches shall have a minimum five-minute half-time interval.
For league championship or playoff games, if no team has won the match at the end of regular play, two 5-minute overtime periods will be played (no golden goal.)
Important: Older age groups may have overtime length of up to 10 minutes per overtime. The referee will instruct the teams.
If the game is still tied after overtime periods, FIFA “Kicks from the Mark” rules will apply in order to determine a winner. Teams winning from kick from the mark will be shown as winning 1-0.
If a team cannot field the required minimum number of players within 15 minutes after the scheduled kick-off time, that team will forfeit the game. In the event that neither team is able to field the required minimum number of players, then both teams will forfeit the game. The winning team will receive maximum points if there is a forfeiture. The game will not be rescheduled.
If a team forfeits a game for any reason, the forfeiting team will incur a 5 point penalty. Forfeiting team may appeal the imposition of this penalty within three business days.
There is no offside for U5 – U8.
U10 and Under modifications Georgia Youth Soccer Association:
Rules and Regulations
Each team shall be represented at the field of play by a coach or assistant coach or a parent appointed in his/her place for the duration of the game. A team not so represented shall forfeit the match. The referee shall make the final decision, at the field of play, as to whether or not to begin the match, based upon his/her judgment of condition of the field of play, the weather, or any other factor he considers pertinent. Final decision will be made by the referee Assignor working with the CYSC General Manager/Facilities Manager.
Note: CYSC Official Laws for Under Six, Under Eight and Under 10:
CYSC, in accordance with FIFA has modified several Laws of the Game to accommodate the younger age groups. A copy of the official laws for these age groups is posted on the CYSC web site, in the CYSC general office and is given to all age level coaches.
6000: Sportsmanship and Conduct:
6001: All that is dishonorable, un-sportsmanlike, and ungentlemanly is particularly and expressly condemned. All persons in authority will conduct themselves in a manner that will not contribute to the delinquency of minors.
6005: CYSC encourages moral and social responsibility. Any player coach or parent guilty of such violations will be subject to disciplinary action by CYSC. Additionally, each coach will receive a copy of the D&P Guidelines and penalties. Not receiving this at the coaches meeting does not release the coach form the responsibilities.
6010: Rules of conduct to be adhered to by participants at all Youth Soccer events are: Offensive, insulting, and abusive language will not be tolerated, either on field of play or in field’s general area. Ungentlemanly conduct will not be tolerated.
6015: All must show respect for referee, either on field or in field’s general area.
6020: Punctuality by both teams and referee must be practiced out of courtesy for others.
6025: Proper respect for opposing teams and spectators must be exhibited by all.
6030: Alcoholic beverages are not permitted within any part of the complex.
6040: There is no smoking within any part of the complex.
6050: Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players, officials and spectators.
6055: Physical violence, foul and abusive language, harassment of players or referees WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.
6060: The use of noise-making or amplifying devices is not allowed.
6065: All violations of misconduct will be reported by the referee even in situations where cards were not awarded.
6070: Progressive discipline for parent, coach and player misconduct will be used. In this context, the coach, referee, CYSC General Manager, D&P Committee or Board of Directors can administer discipline. For team rules violations, the coach will the first line of player discipline. Options for player discipline for violation of team rules are as follows:
- First Offense: Verbal discussion between coach and player
- Second Offense: Discussion with playing time limited
- Third Offense: Written warning, copy to General Manager game playing time limited
- Fourth offense: Written Warning, D&P meeting with player/parents, game suspension
- Fifth Offense: Suspension from CYSC for entire playing season.
6071: The above are guidelines. Seriousness of the misconduct may warrant skipping any of the steps and moving to formal D&P process.
6072: Any coach or spectator who is reported for disciplinary reasons will be observed by no fewer than two (2) CYSC board members at the next game.
6073: Coaches or players who are sent off the field for misconduct are suspended for the next game.
See GYSA D&P rules/ procedures. The coach and/or player must fulfill their suspension before being allowed to participate.
6075: When the coach, assistant coach or other team representative is involved, progressive discipline will be as follows: verbal warning from the referee. If continued dissent/misconduct is demonstrated the referee shall stop play and give the coach a 2-minute warning to have the violator removed from the playing field area. If the coach is in violation, a team representative must take over.
6080: All incidents will be reported on the official game report.
6085: Based on the seriousness of the misconduct and the reading of the game report, additional sanctions may be taken. The CYSC President and General Manager will review all reports of coach and parent misconduct. A formal D&P may be convened at the discretion of the CYSC President and /or General Manager.
7400: Discipline and Protest:
7401: A game cannot be protested due to referee lack of judgment.
7402: A game cannot be played under protest due to the lack of the required number of certified referees. If a coach agrees to play/continue play once they become aware of the number of types of referees (certified versus club), they coach gives up the right to protest the game based on the number and types of referees.
7405: If a coach, player, parent or referee wishes to make a formal protest, it must be submitted in writing within 72 hours of the game completion, to a designated CYSC official (CYSC President, Vice President or General Manager)along with a check for $25. The check will be returned if the protest is upheld. The CYSC official may form a D&P Committee to hear all issues but is not required to do so.
7410: CYSC officials will review interviews and interview involved parties as deemed necessary prior to the convening of the D&P committee. A letter/email will be sent to all participants within 24 hours of the official D&P meeting. This letter/email will inform all participants of the meeting time, date and location. Copies of any/all memos/letters will be made available. Character references may be present and allowed to attend. The referee who was in charge of the match will and /or may be asked to attend and submit information as needed. All hearings shall be recorded and reduced to written form.
7415: In the matter of protests and appeals, no player, coach, manager, team official, league official, referee or other interested parties shall engage a lawyer or invoke the aid of the courts of any state of the United State without first exhausting all available remedies within the appropriate Soccer Organizations, including GYSA, GSSA, USSF and USYSA.
7420: D&P issues may arise from the failure to adhere to the Parent/Player Handbook, Laws of the game, CYSC Rules and procedures or any combination of the above. The D&P Committee will issue its finding/ruling immediately upon conclusion of the formal meeting. Findings of the D&P Committee may be appealed once. To appeal a D&P decision, the party must submit in writing within 48 hours of the initial ruling intent to appeal. Submission for appeal must be made to the CYSC President. The CYSC President will initiate his/her own investigation and convene the D&P Committee if necessary. Character references may be allowed to attend the appeal. The CYSC President will designate a date, location and time for the appeal. Failure of the appealing party to appear within 5 minutes after the schedule meeting time start will lose his/her appeal. No further appeals will be allowed.
Important: If the D&P Guidelines and Penalties call for immediate sanctions that require game(s) suspension, and the D&P Committee has not formed due to time issues, then the coach/spectator/player must adhere to the sanctions. This is especially true where a Red Card has been issued.
8000: Practices:
8001: As stated earlier teams can convene for practice during the regular season up to 3 times per week.
Games, scrimmages, clinics, team meetings are included in this time block.
8002: At the beginning of each seasonal play the CYSC General Manager will assign practice fields, times and days. Coaches must adhere to assignments or risk being penalized at the discretion of the CYSC Board. The CYSC General Manager has a list of practice facilities that is provided by Columbus Parks and Recreation Department. A team may choose to select another location.
8005: If the CYSA Woodruff Farm Road Complex is used for practice, then the Office Manager may post official practice information on the outdoor bulletin board.
8006: Teams will be asked to share fields and make every effort to work with the other teams so that the players are not affected.
8007: If a team is found to be practicing at CYSA in another time slot, other than their own, they may be asked to leave or find somewhere else to practice so that the team who is supposed to be practicing may be allowed to do so.
9000: End of Season Tournaments:
9001: At the end of each playing season, CYSC will sponsor a single elimination tournament. Standings will be kept for U10 and older age groups. Tournament seeding will be based on seasonal standings. The CYSC will form a tournament committee to oversee the running of these events.
9005: FIFA Laws of Game and GYSA/CYSC modifications will be used as necessary.
9015: Because this is a single elimination tournament, points will not be awarded, as there will be no ties. In the event that a match is tied at the end of regulation, two five-minute overtimes will be played (no golden goal).
9020: In the event that the match is still tied at the end of the 2nd overtime, KFM will be used to determine a winner.
9025: Prior to the start of any tournament game, the referee will explain the rules to all coaches, team representatives and players.
9030: Awards will be given for 1st and 2nd place.
Lack of knowledge of these rules will not relieve any coach, team official, parent or player of a team participating in or seeking entry into these programs from the responsibilities and possible penalties herein. All recreational divisions, teams, team officials, players, coaches, parents must follow Georgia Youth Soccer Association’s Rules and Regulations; Rules of USYSA affecting game play and youth modifications to the Laws of the Game.